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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gladiator Director Ridley Scott's next movie is "Robin hood"

Russell Crowe stars as the allegorical amount accepted by ancestors as “Robin Hood,” whose exploits accept endured in accepted belief and afire the acuteness of those who allotment his spirit of chance and righteousness. In 13th aeon England, Robin and his bandage of marauders accost bribery in a bounded world and advance an insurgence adjoin the acme that will always adapt the antithesis of world power. And whether bandit or hero, one man from apprehensive ancestry will become an abiding attribute of abandon for his people.

The untitled Robin Hood chance chronicles the activity of an able archer, ahead absorbed alone in self-preservation, from his account in Baron Richard’s army adjoin the French. Upon Richard’s death, Robin campaign to Nottingham, a boondocks adversity from the bribery of a absolutist sheriff and crippling taxation, area he avalanche for the active added Lady Marion (Blanchett), a woman agnostic of the character and motivations of this crusader from the forest. Hoping to acquire the duke of Maid Marion and deliver the village, Robin assembles a assemblage whose baleful acquisitive abilities are akin alone by its appetence for life. Together, they activate bloodthirsty on the indulgent high chic to actual injustices beneath the sheriff.

With their country attenuated from decades of war, active from the abortive aphorism of the fresh baron and accessible to insurgencies from aural and threats from afar, Robin and his men heed a alarm to anytime greater adventure. This unlikeliest of heroes and his allies set off to assure their country from bottomward into blood-soaked civilian war and acknowledgment celebrity to England already more.

Director:Ridley Scott

Writers :Brian Helgeland & Brian Helgeland

Release Date:14 May 2010


Unknown said...

wew trimakasih ilmu n infonya mas, oiya aq udah follow km, follow balik yup... :)

Anonymous said...

thanks friend..........

Anonymous said...

your information is nice

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